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The homework policy can be found in the policies section of the website.


We believe homework consolidates and reinforces skills and understanding in maths, English and other curriculum areas, helps raise the level of achievement of individual pupils, provides opportunities for parents and children to work together and, thereby, fostering an effective partnership between home and school.


We value the support of parents/carers and we believe that this policy will be successful if there is a strong partnership between home and school which is reflected in the Home-School Agreement.


We recognise that all children need leisure time and hope that our policy reflects a balance so children can extend and consolidate their learning with parental support while still allowing ‘down time'


 Types of Homework

 Our homework is designed to encourage a gradual progression of skills and expectation so by the time children reach Year 6 they have established a clear routine in preparation for high school. Most of the homework is provided for completion over the course of a week, fortnight or term so it can be made to fit around family lifestyles and commitments. Other homework e.g. reading, multiplication tables, spellings are proven to be better when completed in shorter daily sessions. All homework tasks and activities are designed to consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding in maths and English and enhance cross curricular teaching. Homework will be a combination of written and online tasks.



Homework Structure

English tasks may be replaced with other foundation subjects such as history or geography.


Year 3


Weekly task 30 minutes.


Weekly spellings sent home and tested in class.


Weekly task 30-40 minutes.


Practise times tables and number bonds.


Read a minimum of 5x a week to an adult and add on to Boom reader.


Year 4


Weekly task 40 minutes.


Weekly spellings sent home and tested in class.


Weekly task 30-40 minutes.


Practise times tables and number bonds.


Read a minimum of 5x a week to an adult and add on to Boom reader


Year 5


Weekly task 50-60 minutes.


Weekly spellings sent home and tested in class.


Weekly task 50-60 minutes.


Continue to practise times tables.


Read a minimum of 5x a week to an adult and add on to Boom reader.


Year 6


Weekly task 1 hour.


Weekly spellings sent home and tested in class.


Weekly task 1 hour.


Continue to practise times tables.


Read a minimum of 5x a week including at least once to an adult and add on to Boom reader.


Teachers will:

  • integrate homework into their planning;

  • set interesting tasks or activities;

  • set homework appropriate to each child;

  • explain when, what and how the work is to be done so that each child clearly understands;

  • provide feedback in line with the marking and feedback policy


Parents/carers are asked to:

  • sign the Home-School Agreement indicating their support for homework;

  • praise the value of homework to their children;

  • provide a suitable space in their home where their children can concentrate on their homework;

  • establish a homework routine such as no television;

  • provide materials pens, pencils etc.;

  • go through the homework before their child starts and discuss the completed work when finished;

  • make the experience pleasurable;

  • find time to work with their child or be at hand if a problem arises;

  • discuss, encourage and praise their child’s efforts;

  • contact the school if they are not sure of some aspect of the homework or if their child is experiencing difficulties in doing it;

  • contribute to school evaluation, through questionnaires, so the school can monitor and evaluate its effectiveness


Children are asked to:

  • complete their homework and hand it in on time;

  • listen carefully in class to make sure they understand what is asked of them;

  • contribute to pupil interviews and pupil questionnaires on homework for the school to monitor and evaluate;

  • make sure they read any comments or  feedback on their homework;

  • highlight to the School Council any ideas they may have about homework

  • complete their homework using appropriate writing materials

  • have a go at all their homework activities




All children receive prompt feedback on their homework in a variety of forms such as:

  • verbal

  • written

  • class discussion

  • praise and recognition during an achievement assembly


Parents are asked to:

  • give teachers any feedback they feel might be useful;

  • encourage their children to talk about the feedback they have received;

  • contact the school if they have any concerns

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