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Should a child be taken ill or sustain any injury, the school Welfare Officer is available to deal with such situations. The school has a well equipped medical room and everything is done to ensure the child's comfort and safety. Should your child need hospital attention, we make every effort to contact you. However, it must be emphasised that the welfare of the child is our prime concern and on occasions it may be necessary to convey the child to hospital without delay. It is therefore important that we can contact parents quickly. Please keep us informed of work addresses and phone numbers and emergency contact instructions.  


Notification of dental, medical appointments etc, should be made in writing or via email to the school and the child collected from the school office by the parent. (For safety reasons we do not allow children to wait outside the school or at the school gate).


Generally, if your child is taking regular doses of medicine, we would not expect them to attend school. However, if towards the end of a course of antibiotics your child has recovered sufficiently, they may be well enough to return to school. Any prescribed medicines are permitted to be given in school at the discretion of the Welfare Officer. Written permission must be given before this applies. All such medicines and permission must be brought into school by the parent and discussed with the Welfare Officer and not sent in with the child in the first instance.


In year 6 your child will be weighed and measured as part of the National Child Measurement Programme.


Several members of staff are First Aid Trained and a First Aider is available after school during the duration of after school clubs.




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